Top Ten Tuesday – Authors I’d Love a New Book From

Welcome to Top Ten Tuesday! Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, this week’s prompt is 

Authors I’d Love a New Book From (These could be authors that have passed away, who have retired from writing, who have inexplicably gone quiet, or who might jut not be able to keep up with how quickly you read their books!)

This one took a little bit of thought and research as I don’t really have the time to wish for more books with so many new ones coming out all the time!

Here is what I managed to come up with:

Dan Brown – I love everything about the Robert Langdon series and want more!

Alexandra Benedict – I love her Christmas mysteries so hopefully there are more in the pipeline!

Portia MacIntosh – I have read and enjoyed a couple of her Romance novels and would happily read more.

Emily J Taylor – I enjoyed Hotel Magnifique and would like to read more from her.

Tracy Bloom – I have read and enjoyed a couple of her books and would happily read another one.

Tasneem Abdur-Rashid – The book that I read from her I absolutely loved (Finding Mr Perfectly Fine), but I felt that it didn’t really finish. I would love to read another book from her to find out what happens to the characters next.

Ginger Jones – I enjoyed You Had Me At Halloumi and would love to read similar tales from her.

Lauren Ho – I loved Lucie Yi Is Not A Romantic and would like to read another book by her.

Jesse Sutanto – I am gutted that The Aunties series has come to an end. I would have loved to read more stories about them!

Jane Austen – I would like to see what her take on society and it’s behaviour today would be. There are a lot of retellings about so it would be interesting to see how she, as the original author, would adapt her stories to fit in with our time.

Which authors would be on your list?

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“book”, “read”, “book blog”, “new”, “don’t miss out”, “fiction”, “reading slump”, “entertaining”, “what should I read next”, “book recommendations”, “book review”, “what books do you recommend”

29 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday – Authors I’d Love a New Book From

    1. Emily Jane Post author

      Thank you.

      I wasn’t sure if the ones I chose were going to have more books out (except Austen!) so we shall see!! When I was looking around at other Blogs I think that others found the same as you. Exciting book times ahead 🤣

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Emily Jane Post author

      Thank you. I highly recommend Dan Brown. I love the blend of fact and fiction.

      There are so many Christmas romances that I like to read something a bit different.


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