Top Ten Tuesday – Books on My Summer 2024 To-Read List

Welcome to Top Ten Tuesday! Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, this week’s prompt is 

Books on My Summer 2024 To-Read List

This is an easy topic for me to do this week as this year I am taking part in the 20 Books of Summer Challenge so I have a list of books ready to go (currently I am on my second book from this list so I am a bit behind. I am even deciding on whether or not to pause it for a bit to catch up with my Blog Tour books).

To mix this list up a bit, I will add my Blog Tour books that I need to read and then take a few titles from my 20 Books of Summer list (click the titles for links to Goodreads):

Blog Tour Books

Second Chance Summer by Phillipa Ashley

Death At Chelsea by Anna Sayburn Lane

Be Less Panda by Suzanne Lissaman

Felix’s Favourite Day by Fiona Lowry

Books From My 20 Books of Summer List

The Last Devil To Die by Richard Osman

Before The Coffee Gets Cold by Toshikazu Kawaguchi

The Bodyguard by Katherine Center

The Department of Rare Books and Special Collections by Eva Jurczyk

A Caribbean Mystery by Agatha Christie

Death on the Nile by Agatha Christie

What books are on your list?

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“book”, “read”, “book blog”, “new”, “don’t miss out”, “fiction”, “reading slump”, “entertaining”, “what should I read next”, “book recommendations”, “book review”, “what books do you recommend”

42 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday – Books on My Summer 2024 To-Read List

  1. Rissi

    Never read a novel by Agatha, but her Caribbean mystery seems like a good summer read. Also… I am reading Things You Save in a Fire by Katherine Center and want to read The Bodyguard too. It looks fun.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Emily Jane Post author

      I’ve read a couple by her. And Then There Were None was my favourite. I tried to pick Summery looking ones 😂

      Oooo that sounds interesting. I hope that you are enjoying it.


    1. Emily Jane Post author

      I’ve only read a couple so I thought that I would add them in. I really want to read Death on the Nile due to all the adaptations 😂 a shame that the recent adaptation wasn’t as good.


  2. Dini @ dinipandareads

    As a panda lover, “Be Less Panda” immediately caught my eye! 😂 I don’t think I could ever be less of a panda though, lol. I’ve got to catch up on Osman’s books but I’ve read Before the Coffee Gets Cold off your list and it was a very enjoyable read for me. I hope you love all of these books!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Emily Jane Post author

      😂 I love Pandas too. I would love to see one.

      I’ve got this last Osman book to read. Then I need to look at his new series!

      Lots of people have positive thoughts on Before The Coffee Gets Cold so I’m looking forward to reading it!

      Thank you 😊


    2. Emily Jane Post author

      I couldn’t find the comment box on your post so I’ll reply here 😂

      I try to read seasonally but it doesn’t always work out!

      We don’t have a lot of sunny weather here but when we do I always complain 😂

      A great list that I hope you manage to get through!


  3. Susan

    I’m not making great progress on the books I chose for 20 Books of Summer. I keep changing them out for the ones I have decided to read instead. LOL. Thank goodness the challenge is really flexible, so you never have to feel like you’re failing it!

    I read DEATH ON THE NILE after the movie came out and really enjoyed it. It’s my second favorite Christie novel after AND THEN THERE WERE NONE. I hope you enjoy it and all these others.

    Happy TTT!


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Emily Jane Post author

      I’ve read 1 so far 😂 yeah. It seems quite relaxed which is what I need from a challenge 😂

      And Then There Were None is my favourite out of the ones that I have read! I have high hopes for Death on the Nile because it has been adapted 😂

      Happy TTT!


    1. Emily Jane Post author

      I’ve had it since Christmas and really want to read it!

      I keep seeing Before The Coffee Gets Cold so I decided to buy it with some birthday money back in May 😂

      Thank you


  4. Veros @ Dark Shelf of Wonders

    The Department of Rare Books sounds SO Good!
    I went through a Poirot phase where I was reading a bunch in order but then I got tired and never got to Death on The Nile! I should probably fix that.
    Enjoy your summer reading!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Emily Jane Post author

        I also went into a bookshop with a birthday voucher (years ago!) and picked up a book called body in the library. Little did I realise that it was a Marple and therefore part of the set. I then saw that whilst it was a large set, it was smaller than Poirot and I could gradually build up and get matching covers 😂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Veros @ Dark Shelf of Wonders

        Ahh that’s smart!! 😉 haha I thought I was done with Agatha Christie but you’re making me think I may not be! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: Sunday Post/Sunday Salon | * Budget Tales Book Blog *

  6. Leah's Books

    Nice list for the summer! I’m so intrigued by The Department of Rare Books and Special Collections – I remember being on the fence about requesting it from NetGalley, and still being curious about it now but not having the time with all my overdue ARCs 😩 so I hope that you enjoy it and I can live vicariously through you until I have time to read it. Sorry for the super late response, but this last week was a doozy! Happy summer reading to you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Emily Jane Post author

      I am looking forward to reading it.

      Yeah thats the thing. You don’t want to panic read or add to the problem 🤣

      Thank you. I’m hoping to get it done. I’m only 2 books down and am having to panic read a couple of Blog Tour books soon.

      That’s ok!

      Same to you ☺️



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