Top Ten Tuesday – Series I’d Like to Start/Catch up on/Finish

Welcome to Top Ten Tuesday! Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, this week it is Series I’d Like to Start/Catch up on/Finish. This is an interesting one as I haven’t read a series for a while.

Series on my shelves:

Miss Marple books by Agatha Christie

I thought that I should make a start on collecting some Agatha Christie novels and went for Miss Marple. I kept buying them, but then not spending the time reading them. I have read a couple, but have many more to go!

His Dark Material books by Philip Pullman

A few years ago I saw that Philip Pullman had a new series out that looked quite good – The Book of Dust. I hadn’t actually read (or seen!) His Dark Materials series so I thought that I should start with that!

Eddie Flynn Series by Steve Cavanah

I saw one of the Eddie Flynn books on the BBC programme Between the Covers. I decided to buy it and absolutely loved it! When I realised that it was part of a series I had to get the rest of the series. Since then he has had a couple more books out which I have duly bought, but I still need to read!

Crescent City Series by Sarah J Maas

I absolutely loved ACOTAR and when I saw this series coming out I had to get it. I have still yet to read it, but I am looking forward to it!

The Dark Artifices by Cassandra Clare

I loved The Infernal Devices and The Mortal Instruments series, so when I saw this coming out I got the first two. I have yet to read either of them and have just ordered the third one!

Down series by Glenn Cooper

I have the first two so need to read these and then get more! I have loved Glen Cooper’s other books so I have high expectations for these!

Series on my wishlist:

American Royals series by Katharine McGee

I have read the first one and loved it! The other two are currently on my wishlist.

Finlay Donovan Is Killing It by Elle Cosimano

I read the first one and really enjoyed it. The next one is currently on my list and when the next one is out that will be making it’s way on there too!

Bridgerton by Julia Quinn

I have read the first two. I thought the first one was ok and I absolutely loved the second one. I therefore didn’t commit to the others straight away, but I wouldn’t say never, especially with series 3 coming out!

Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas

After loving ACOTAR I have had my eye on this series for a while!

What series are on your list?

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“book”, “read”, “book blog”, “reading”, “book series”

58 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday – Series I’d Like to Start/Catch up on/Finish

      1. Emily Jane Post author

        Exciting times! I’ve found that a couple of books that I’ve read haven’t been on Goodreads – it’s a bit annoying as I like to keep as accurate a record as possible 😂


  1. Michael

    I find with some series, I have to take a break or I start to nitpick them too much. I put the Poirot novels my list this week but I tend to read them in spurts -one or two then a break because they start to all “feel” the same.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. foreverlostinlit

    I’ve really enjoyed the Crescent City series so far, and I was really reluctant to try it for some reason! I think if you loved ACOTAR you’ll really like it as well (and same with TOG). 🙂 I started the His Dark Materials series ages ago and never finished, I really should. Hope you get to all of these!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Sifa Elizabeth

    I have read and really enjoyed the two American Royals books published in the UK – they were a shot of light fun on some grey winter days. Hope you enjoy the books on the list

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Emily Jane Post author

      It’s the size of them!

      The thing is that I watched the Netflix series before reading any of the books and it was so much better than the book. I kept waiting for things to happen in the book that never materialised. The second book had me laughing and I actually preferred that to the series!


  4. Cindy Davis

    I had intentions of finishing several series this year and I don’t think I completed that goal, LOL will aim again for next year. There are so many great books and not enough time. Good luck with these, I hope you enjoy them all when you get a chance to read them.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Emily Jane Post author

      They do! I enjoyed the first one. I need to heavily hint to my family that I would like the next one for Christmas. The UK is a bit behind the US when it comes to publishing these books.

      Thank you


    1. Emily Jane Post author

      My sister read them, but I never did. I shall see if I can cope with the pacing!!

      I was worried that when I read Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyor that I would have lost my love for Twilight as it has been so many years since I read it, but I didn’t!!


  5. Dedra @ A Book Wanderer

    So many great series on your list! I have yet to read a Maas book, but I own the entire Throne of Glass series on kindle. It’s such a commitment! I’ve also only read the first two Bridgerton books, but I have picked up the rest of the series, finding the paperbacks very cheap. I’ve read the first two books in The Dark Artifices and I enjoyed them, but I’m a fan of waiting until the entire series is out, so I think you were smart to wait. There’s such a long time between books, and I tend to forgot so much of what happened. 🙂

    I hope you get to pick some of these up soon!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Emily Jane Post author

      Thank you.

      Yes that series did seem quite a lot and I haven’t embarked on it yet!

      I got the first two Bridgertons for 99p each on Kindle and thought that I would give them a go. I think the library does them so I will probably go that route for the rest.

      Thank you and as I read so many books these days it will be easy to get mixed up!

      Thank you. Same to you!


    1. Emily Jane Post author

      The Marple ones I’ve read are good although And Then There Were None has been my favourite so far. I loved the ACOTAR series and am looking forward to the next one coming out! I need to read her other series at some point…

      Not a problem at all!


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