Top Ten Tuesday – Most Anticipated Books Releasing During the Second Half of 2024

Welcome to Top Ten Tuesday! Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, this week’s prompt is

Most Anticipated Books Releasing During the Second Half of 2024

I struggle with this sort of list as it takes a lot of research and I am apparently quite fussy when it comes to books that I am excited about. I have however managed this small list (click on the titles for links to Goodreads)


One Perfect Couple by Ruth Ware


The Antique Store Detective by Clare Chase

The Hotel Maid by Michelle Dunne


Somewhere Beyond The Sea by TJ Klune

We Solve Murders by Richard Osman


The Map of Bones by Kate Mosse

What books are on your list?

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30 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday – Most Anticipated Books Releasing During the Second Half of 2024

    1. Emily Jane Post author

      I have requested it from Netgalley, but that was months ago so I don’t think that I will get it.

      I have read The House in the Cerulean Sea and In The Lives of Puppets and loved them. I am not sure about the others.


  1. Susan

    I was excited for ONE PERFECT COUPLE, too, but it was a pretty disappointing read for me. It kept me turning pages, but it was kind of boring and the characters were not very likable. It’s definitely not my favorite book by Ware! I hope you like it better than I did and that the others are winners as well.

    Happy TTT!


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Emily Jane Post author

      Interesting. I’m still waiting to see if I get approved by Netgalley. Recently I’ve been pretty much ignored by Netgalley and had to manually remove my request as the book has been published.

      Happy TTT on a Thursday as I’m apparently more behind than I thought on replying 🤣🙄


  2. Veros @ Dark Shelf of Wonders

    Kate Moss is an author I’ve been wanting to try out & The Burning Chambers is on my tbr, the cover for the new book in that series looks beautiful!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Emily Jane Post author

      I recommend her stuff! I’ve read this series so far and a couple of short stories. I did years ago read another book that was the first in a series but then never got round to reading the rest.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Veros @ Dark Shelf of Wonders

        That’s awesome good to know 🙂 ! I keep seeing Labyrinth in my building’s little free library and keep meaning to grab it so maybe next time I will.

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