Sunday Post/Sunday Salon

Welcome to my end of the week wrap up, Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Sunday Salon hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz.

It was not an overly busy blogging week this week. Just a Blog Tour, Author Q and A and a Library Book Review in addition to the weekly memes. I did sign up for a Blog Tour to take place in July, which I wasn’t supposed to do due to other reading commitments, but as this book is part of a series that I am reading (and enjoying!) I couldn’t say no!

Outside of the Book Blog my son had his second Sports Day at school which both he and I enjoyed. It was cute watching them all take part in their little activities.

This coming week is the school holidays, so we will be out and about trying to keep my son entertained!

On the Blog this week:

Goodreads Monday (add your links in the comments section for all to see!) – One For The Money by Janet Evanovich

Top Ten Tuesday – Authors I’d Love a New Book From

Random Things Blog Tour – Book Review – Hattie Brings The House Down by Patrick Gleeson

Author Spotlight/ Interview/ Author Q and A with Patrick Gleeson – Hattie Brings The House Down

Library Book Review – The Secret Life of an Uncool Mum by Serena Terry

WWW Wednesday – Currently Reading, Finished Reading, Reading Next

Time Travel Thursday

Book Blogger Hop – Favourite outdoor reading spot

First Line Friday – The Code of the Vavasors by Jonathan Pinnock

Stacking The Shelves/Library Loot

What I have been reading this week:

Pasta Sam Brownies by Chef Stacey Leith (click for link to Goodreads)

The Secret Life of an Uncool Mum by Serena Terry (click for my review)

The Code of the Vavasors by Jonathan Pinnock (click for link to Goodreads)

To keep up to date with my Book Reviews, Book Memes, Author Q and As and my Monthly Genre Goal Follow My Blog!

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17 thoughts on “Sunday Post/Sunday Salon

    1. Emily Jane Post author

      They are! The kids love them. I hated it as a child but as a watching parent its great fun 🤣

      I just get sucked in 🤣 Ive only been doing it since 2021 so the shine hasn’t worn off 🤣


    1. Emily Jane Post author

      I was the worst. Not a sporty bone in my body 🤣 luckily I wasn’t bothered. When I got to Secondary school we were allowed to chose a minimum of one activity then the day was ours. After my one event I got an ice cream from the van that came onto the grounds 🤣 highlight of the day!

      It was so cute!

      Thank you. You too!


  1. BooksofMyHeart

    I remember those Sports Days as being at the end of the school year as also a picnic and end of year party atmosphere, a Games Day with more fun than competitive pressure. I hope you find more fun activities for this week!


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Emily Jane Post author

      Yes, ours was always at the end of the year too. It seems strange that they do it in May, but they say that if May is cancelled due to bad weather then they have a back up June date 🤣

      The kids enjoyed themselves. It was lovely to see.

      Thank you 😊


    1. Emily Jane Post author

      Thank you 😊 this week is the last lot of the “short” holidays before the big 6 weeks spanning the end of July to the beginning of September. I can’t believe how quickly this year has gone!


  2. Pingback: May Monthly Wrap Up | * Budget Tales Book Blog *

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